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I have a Property Pattern that uses Office as a drop down list. I have it defaulted to one of the items in the list. I have setup Office to be a required field.


In the web interface everything is fine.

In the MMC the property is not available during account creation and does not show at the end of account creation as a required field.

Is it possible to make Office show up during user account creation?

by (790 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


What exactly do you mean by MMC? Is it Adaxes Administration Console? If that is correct, the Office property is not present in the form for user creation in the console. This behavior is by design and cannot be changed. However, properties that are set to be required and are not present on the form are displayed on step 6 of the wizard: image.png Please, make sure that the Property Pattern that makes the Office property required is effective for users in the OU where you are creating the new user. For information on how to check effective Property Patterns, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePropertyPatterns.ViewPropertyPatternsEffectiveForADObjects.html. You can perform the check for any user in the OU.


It seems if a default value is not generated the field shows.

Is it possible to make the field show and generate the default value?



It seems if a default value is not generated the field shows.

Yes, this behaviour is by design.

Is it possible to make the field show and generate the default value?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

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