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We have a few password self-service policies mostly using the Microsoft Authenticator app but certain users need to use Questions instead. We have a single user that, in the admin ... mode to make sure it is not a cache issue. Your help is greatly appreciated!

asked Dec 7, 2020 by (2.3k points)
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Hi, I found where to show enabled users only in the group membership window, but when we export the content of the group, it also exports disabled users. Is there a way to export ... we don't want them to show in the exports as it will create noise... Thanks.

asked Dec 7, 2020 by fl001860 (40 points)
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I am looking for the option to be able to utilize this with a Multi-Domain/Multi-Tenant Environment. Provide specific managers on a specific domain under a client access, etc.

asked Nov 25, 2020 by dcenrage (20 points)
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My question concerns the Self-Service web page. I would like to know if there is a way to disable the Export and Print capability from the search results window? Thanks!

asked Nov 25, 2020 by fl001860 (40 points)
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I have a custom command which require approve before it starts. How can I get access to approve message within my custom command?

asked Nov 24, 2020 by dyuryagin (20 points)
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I think this started happening back in August when we updated to the current version ( We are not sure though because this only affects the web page ... We would prefer not to allow access through a firewall for this. Screenshot of the error:

asked Nov 23, 2020 by (2.3k points)
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My role as a developer require a form submission with Adaxes to get JIT (just in time) access to an client environment, I want to need guidance to form submission with the Adaxes PowerShell module.

asked Nov 19, 2020 by spencer.nicol (20 points)
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Hello, we cannot delete users with adminCount=1 with the buildin action "Delete the user" because of missing (adminSDHolder)permission to delete users as ... $identity = "%distinguishedName%" Remove-AdmUser -Identity $identity -Confirm:$False regards Helmut

asked Nov 17, 2020 by a423385 (510 points)
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Good afternoon, I'm looking to generate a script to allow automation of updating job titles using a spreadsheet. To do this we would use a spreadsheet generated by ... in calling the file. Please let me know if you require any additional information Regards

asked Nov 16, 2020 by jtop (700 points)
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Hello, I'd like to create a custom Adaxes report based on the following Logging Filters - I'm currently having to filter the logs manually each time I want to gather this ... would be easier to jump on a call to discuss this further? Thank you in advance!

asked Nov 16, 2020 by sirslimjim (480 points)
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1 answer

We used to run AD Audit and it would provide additional details on what was locking a user's account (workstation name, application, etc...). Is there are way with Adaxes ... on what is locking an account? Or a way to pull historical data on locked accounts?

asked Nov 16, 2020 by pulsifers (20 points)
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Hello, i have a custom command which sets the oof-message for the selected user. in this custom command i have a parameter "param-vertretung" (ad-object picker). Now i want to ... and email of the stand-in in the oof-message. Can you help me with that? Thanks

asked Nov 13, 2020 by lohnag (160 points)
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Hi We've currently have 2 instances of Adaxes running in our environment. The first is a legacy standalone system and the new is a HA environment. We needed to get some things ... system so that it can be wiped and rebuilt. Is tihs possible at all? Thanks Matt

asked Nov 12, 2020 by chappers77 (2.0k points)
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Hello, you wrote "To remedy the issue, try granting the account appropriate permissions to delete users as subtree in Active Directory." How can I add the permission within ... in AD. Only the to be deleted user object should be affected. regards Helmut

asked Nov 12, 2020 by a423385 (510 points)
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Hi I need to update some property patterns on a scheduled basis and am doing this via a powershell script. The particular attibute will be a drop down, but ... t work! $item.SetConstraints($constraints) $item.SetInfo() $userPattern.Items.Add($item) Thanks Matt

asked Nov 11, 2020 by chappers77 (2.0k points)
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Hi We try to achieve a script where Adaxes replaces all umlauts in the username and mail adress and also checks for duplicate usernames. ... $email Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("mailNickname", $username) $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("mail", $email)

asked Nov 11, 2020 by maca (100 points)
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I am looking for a way to have approvers modify a tentative user account before approval. Is this feature available yet?

asked Nov 11, 2020 by mkvidera (60 points)
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Hello, It would be totally awesome if the Adaxes powershell module could be made available (officially) over PowerShell Gallery ( This way ... would be awesome if you could support PowerShell core instead of the legacy one.

asked Nov 10, 2020 by Pierre (750 points)
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Hello Support, You guys rock at figuring out these things so I am hoping this is something that can be done. We have a process here due to compliance called Entitlement ... certain groups. Thank you for your help! Here is a screenshot of the Approval.

asked Nov 6, 2020 by (2.3k points)
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Is it possible to change the visibility of required fields in Adaxes 2020.1 as it was with the old Webinterface and custom css for every Webinterface-instance? Thanks

asked Nov 6, 2020 by Michel (20 points)
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