Script repository
Preserve user creation initiator
The script saves the initiator of the target user creation to a predefined property.
Prevent users from being added to groups in other domains
This script can be used to prevent adding users from a certain AD domain to groups located in other domains.
Process pending approval requests created more than X days ago
The scripts approve/deny pending approval requests which were created more than X days ago.
Processed Approval Requests initiated during the last X days
This script outputs the list of approved, denied or cancelled Approval Requests initiated during the last X days.
Prohibit changing Exchange mailbox addresses except the primary SMTP address
The script can be used to prohibit changes in any addresses of an Exchange mailbox except the primary SMTP address
Provision shared and room mailboxes
These scripts show how to provision resource mailboxes in Exchange On-Premises.
Recently created users with initiator
The script generates a report of recently created users with initiator.
Recently deleted users with initiator
The script generates a report of recently deleted users with initiator.
Recently enabled users with initiator
The script generates a report of recently enabled users with initiator.
Remove actions with empty groups from custom commands, business rules and scheduled tasks
The script removes all the Add to group and Remove from group actions that do not have a group specified from all custom commands, business rules and scheduled tasks.
Remove all group memberships for a user account
The scripts remove the target user account from all groups including cloud ones.
Remove all members from a group and add to another group
The script removes all members from a group and adds them to another group
Remove all trustees from Full Access list
The script removes all the trustees from the Full Access list of a mailbox.
Remove allowed property value from a property pattern
The script removes a value from the list of values allowed for a property by a property pattern and sorts all the values in alphabetical order.
Remove assistants and secretaries from Approval Requests
The script removes an assistant or secretary of a user from lists of approvers of pending Approval Requests the user can approve.
Remove Direct Reports from manager
This script removes Direct Reports from a manager.
Remove disk quota for user on the drive where the user's home directory is located
This script removes disk quotas for a user on the drive where the user's home directory is located.
Remove invalid business unit membership rules
A script to to remove deleted Active Directory objects from business unit membership rules.
Remove non-existing objects from Security Role Assignments
The script removes non-existing objects from Assignments of all security roles. Both role Trustees and objects comprising Assignment Scopes of Security Roles are checked.
Remove object from all groups whose name starts with a specific value
The script removes object from all groups whose name starts with a specific value.