Script repository
Self-service temporary group membership
The set of scripts can be used to enable users to add themselves to AD groups for a limited period of time.
Send email notification with inline image
The script sends an email notification containing an inline image.
Send mail message to group members
The script sends an email message to members of an AD group.
Send mail to parent container owner
The script sends an email notification to the owner of the container where the target object is located.
Send multi-value property values via email
The script sends an email notification containing all values of a multi-value property.
Send notification if number of unused Microsoft 365 licenses falls below limit
The script sends an email notification if the number of unused licenses for any license plan enabled in any of Microsoft 365 (Office 365) tenants falls below a specific limit.
Send notification to everybody who has Full Access to mailbox
The script sends an email notification to everybody who has Full Access to the target mailbox.
Send SMS message to group members
The script sends an SMS message to all users and contacts that are members of a group and of the first level nested groups.
Set ExchangeGuid for user remote mailbox
The script updates ExchangeGuid of a user remote mailbox with the GUID of the mailbox in Exchange Online.
Set manager based on property value
The script finds a user according to the property values mapping and sets the user as the manager of the target account.
Set manager for users in specific OUs
The script finds a user with a specific property value in a specific OU and sets the user as manager of all other accounts in the OU.
Set manager of user as owner of Microsoft 365 groups owned by the user
The script finds Microsoft 365 (Office 365) groups for which the target user is set as owner and sets the user manager as the groups owner.
Set Out-of-Office image
This script sets an Out-of-Office image for a user in Exchange.
Set owner of parent Organizational Unit as manager for user
The script sets the owner of the Organizational Unit where a user account is located as the user's manager.
Set user photo from Microsoft 365 to AD account
The script gets a user photo from Microsoft 365 and sets it into the AD account of the user.
Sign out from all Microsoft 365 services
The script signs out the user from all Microsoft 365 services.
Specify access control for Web interface
The script sets a user or group as an access control trustee for a Web interface.
Suspend user in Google Workspace and revoke all licenses
The script suspends the Google Workspace account of a user and revokes all their Google Workspace licenses. You can execute this script in a Run a program or PowerShell action in a business rule, custom command, or scheduled task configured for th...
Synchronize allowed ActiveSync devices to Exchange Online
The script synchronizes the list of allowed ActiveSync devices of a user from on-premises Active Directory to their Exchange Online mailbox.
Synchronize Google group memberships with members of an AD group
The scripts synchronize memberships of a Google Apps group based on members of an Active Directory group.