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Script repository

Check if account is inactive in Microsoft Entra ID longer than a period of time

February 21, 2024 Views: 1334

The script returns true if the account is inactive in Microsoft Entra ID longer than a period of time. The script can be executed in the If PowerShell script returns true condition of business rules, custom commands and scheduled tasks.

In the script, the $inactivityDurationThreshold variable specifies the inactivity duration in days that should be exceeded for the condition to be met.

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$inactivityDurationThreshold = 4 # TODO: modify me

# Get access token for Microsoft Graph API
$token = $Context.CloudServices.GetAzureAuthAccessToken()

# Get the last logon date
    $userId = [Guid]$Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-O365ObjectId")
    $Context.ConditionIsMet = $False
    return # The user does not have a Microsoft 365 account.

$url = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users/' + $userId.ToString() + '?$select=signInActivity'
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET `
    -uri $url `
    -Headers @{Authorization="Bearer $token"}

if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($response.signInActivity.lastSignInDateTime))
    $Context.ConditionIsMet = $False
    return # The user never logged in to Microsoft Entra ID

$lastLogonDate = [System.DateTime]$response.signInActivity.lastSignInDateTime

# Get current date
$currentDate = [System.DateTime]::Now

# Substract the number of days and compare dates
$Context.ConditionIsMet = $lastLogonDate -lt $currentDate.AddDays(- $inactivityDurationThreshold)
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