The script optimizes uploaded user photos to fit within the limit set by Active Directory (100 kilobytes) and best view in Adaxes (80x80 pixels).
To run the script automatically, create a business rule triggering Before updating a user and add the If Picture property has changed condition.
- $maxWidth - Specifies the maximum width of the photo in pixels.
- $maxHeight - Specifies the maximum height of the photo in pixels.
$maxWidth = 80 # TODO: modify me
$maxHeight = 80 # TODO: modify me
function CheckFileSizeAndSave ($filePath, $quality, $imageFormat, $imageCodecInfo, $picture)
if ($quality -lt 0)
DeleteTmpFile $filePath
# Set encoder settings for image quality
$encoderParams = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1)
$encoder = [System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder]::Quality
$encoderParams.Param[0] = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter($encoder, $quality)
# Save file
$picture.Save($filePath, $imageCodecInfo, $($encoderParams))
# Check file size
$fileSize = (Get-Item $filePath).Length / 1kb
if ($fileSize -lt 100)
$quality = $quality - 10
CheckFileSizeAndSave $filePath $quality $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $picture
function DeleteTmpFile ($filePath)
function UpdateUserPhoto ($tmpFilePath)
if (!(Test-Path $tmpFilePath))
$Context.Cancel("Automatic photo resize failed.") # TODO: modify me
# Update the thumbnailPhoto attribute
$thumbnailPhotoBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($tmpFilePath)
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("thumbnailPhoto", $thumbnailPhotoBytes)
# Delete the temporary file
DeleteTmpFile $tmpFilePath
# Get the picture
$thumbnailPhotoBytes = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("thumbnailPhoto")
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($thumbnailPhotoBytes))
return # The thumbnailPhoto attribute is empty
$original = [System.Drawing.Image]$thumbnailPhotoBytes
$originalWidth = $original.Width
$originalHeight = $original.Height
# Check original size
$tmpFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$imageFormat = "System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat" -as [type]
$imageCodecInfo = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo]::GetImageEncoders() | where {$_.MimeType -eq 'image/jpeg'}
if (($originalHeight -gt $maxHeight) -or ($originalWidth -gt $maxWidth))
# Calculate the new size, preserve ratio
$ratioX = $maxWidth / $originalWidth
$ratioY = $maxHeight / $originalHeight
$ratio = $ratioY
if ($ratioX -le $ratioY)
$ratio = $ratioX
# Resize the picture
$newPicture = $original.GetThumbnailImage($originalWidth * $ratio, $originalHeight * $ratio, $null, [intptr]::Zero)
CheckFileSizeAndSave $tmpFilePath 100 $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $newPicture
if (!(Test-Path $tmpFilePath))
$Context.Cancel("Automatically resize photos failed.")
UpdateUserPhoto $tmpFilePath
CheckFileSizeAndSave $tmpFilePath 100 $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $original
UpdateUserPhoto $tmpFilePath
# Release resources
if ($original) { $original.Dispose() }
if ($newPicture) { $newPicture.Dispose() }
Hello Mike,
Yes, it is possible. In the Import photos for users in Organizational Unit script, you will need to replace this line
$user = $Context.BindToObject($searchResult.AdsPath)
with the following one:
$user = $Context.BindToObjectEx($searchResult.AdsPath, $True)
and use the Optimize User Photo script in a Business Rule as described. In this case, all modifications made by the import script will go through Adaxes pipeline and trigger corresponding Business Rules.
If this is not what you need, please, describe the desired behaviour in all the possible details with live examples.
Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly you mean. Please, describe the desired behaviour in all the possible details with live examples.