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Script repository

Set owner of parent Organizational Unit as manager for user

February 22, 2021 Views: 2239

The script sets the owner of the Organizational Unit where a user account is located as the user's manager. To specify user managers using the script, you need to create business rule that run the script automatically once a user account is created in AD or moved to another Organizational Unit. For an example of a business rule that runs a script once a new user is created, see Run PowerShell Script after Creating a User.

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# Bind to the OU where the user is located
$parent = $Context.BindToObject($Context.TargetObject.Parent)

    # Get the owner's DN
    $managerDN = $parent.Get("managedBy")
    $Context.LogMessage("Cannot update a manager for the user because the user's Organizational Unit is not managed by anyone", "Warning") # TODO: modify me

# Set manager
$Context.TargetObject.Put("manager", $managerDN)

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