Actually, if you look at the trace more attentively, there is an error, but it occurs a bit earlier:
[07/29/2015 16:17:18] Get-UMMailboxPIN -Identity "CN=GRYLLS\, Bear,OU=Users,********"" -DomainController "********""
[07/29/2015 16:18:36] Error: Unified Messaging PIN info couldn't be retrieved for mailbox 'Bear.GRYLLS@********"' : An error occurred while accessing the user's mailbox. Details: Unable to connect to the remote server
Also, as far as you can see, because of this error, the process is stuck for more than a minute.This is the reason why the Web Interface times out.
To remedy the issue, you need to resolve the problem with getting Exchange properties. Also, you can extend the maximum Web Interface timeout as a work around.
The issue with Exchange properties is that, for some reason, Adaxes cannot retrieve the Unified Messaging PIN of the mailbox. This occurs because the Exchange Server where the mailbox resides cannot be connected.
By default, when Adaxes service starts, an Exchange Server is selected automatically and used by Adaxes until it goes down for some reason or until the service is restarted. You can find the name of that server at the top of the trace log file. However, some operations need to be performed on the Exchange Server where the mailbox in question is located. For this purpose, the Exchange Server used by Adaxes forwards such requests to the appropriate Exchange Server. The error message in the trace log indicates that, for some reason, the Exchange Server that Adaxes uses cannot connect to the server where Bear Grylls' mailbox is located. To resolve the issue, you need to troubleshoot the connectivity between the 2 Exchange Servers.
In order to extend the Web interface timeout:
On the computer where the Web Interface is installed, open the folder that contains the Adaxes Web Interface that you are experiencing issues with. By default, Adaxes Web Interfaces are located in folder C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\<WebInterfaceName>.
Open the Web.config file with a text editor.
Find the following XML element: configuration\system.web\httpRuntime.
The executionTimeout parameter of the httpRuntime element sets the Web Interface timeout (in seconds). In the following example, the timeout is set to 240 seconds:
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="240"/>
When done, save the changes and restart IIS.