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Hi there !

I wan to implement a custom command that will remove a user from all disitribution groups :

Import-Module Adaxes
Get-AdmGroup -Filter { mail -like "*" } | Where { (Get-AdmGroupMember $_.SamAccountName -AdaxesService eumsqres10.eu.loi.net | foreach {$_.SamAccountName -eq "%sAMAccountName%" }) -eq $True } | foreach { Remove-AdmGroupMember $_.SamAccountName -Members "%mailNickname%"}

But it gives me an error : Cannot invoke this function because the current host does not implement it.

I can't see what i'm doing wrong...



by (800 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Hello Stephen,

Try the following script:

Import-Module Adaxes
$username = "%username%"
$domainName = $Null

Get-AdmPrincipalGroupMembership $username -server $domainName -adaxesservice localhost | 
  Get-AdmGroup -Properties mail -server $domainName | Where {$_.mail -ne $NULL} | 
  Remove-AdmGroupMember -member $username -server $domainName  -Confirm:$False

Wow, pretty optimized :-)

i'd have liked to know why my script, even not optimized, works in interactive mode and not in a custom command.

But thanks anyway ;-)


i'd have liked to know why my script, even not optimized, works in interactive mode and not in a custom command.

Because the Remove-AdmGroupMember cmdlet requires a confirmation. To fix it you just need to add the following parameter: -Confirm:$False.

Get-AdmGroup -Filter { mail -like "*" } | Where { (Get-AdmGroupMember $_.SamAccountName -AdaxesService eumsqres10.eu.loi.net | foreach {$_.SamAccountName -eq "%sAMAccountName%" }) -eq $True } | foreach { Remove-AdmGroupMember $_.SamAccountName -Members "%mailNickname%" -Confirm:$False}

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