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Hey guys,

First time Adaxes user, and let me say, we absolutely love the product! Quick question though....

As a part of our account de-provisioning process, we need to delete a few folders from various network shares that belong to users (not technically their AD home drive, but similar concept (eg. terminal server profiles for each user)). I have a simple custom command that runs a simple powershell script using Remove-Item. However, when I run it, it just errors out with 'Cannot invoke this function because the current host does not implement it'. I find this odd, seeing as New-Item commands work just fine. Adaxes is running on a Server08R2 SP1 VM.

My script looks like this:

Remove-Item \\server01\share1$\%username% -Force

The same script with New-Item (to create the folder) works just fine. I can run the exact same code in a regular powershell window with no problem.

Any thoughts? Any alternatives?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Try this:

Remove-Item \\server01\share1$\%username% -Force -Confirm:$False

Tried it, same error (can't invoke).


Please post the error message you get.


"Cannot invoke this function because the current host does not implement it." when I run the PS command against a test account in Adaxes.



Please, post a screenshot of your script.


Here it is:


If the folder you are trying to delete contains files or subfolders, you also need to use the -Recurse parameter:

Remove-Item \\server01\share1$\%username% -Force -Confirm:$False -Recurse

Looks like that did it! Thanks for all your help!

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