+1 vote

We know only service administrators by default are allowed to access the web configurator, however is there any way to restrict that the the web configurator is only available on a certain web server's network or if it is posible to turn on 2FA on web configurator ? Our problem is that we have only made self service web interface available outside our network ( to the internet) so users can reset and use self service options, however the Web configurator address is open as well which we do not want, we want to either restrict it to be accessible only on internal network or if it is possibl to turn ON 2FA on Web configurator website, like we can on other web interfaces ?

by (70 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (294k points)


if it is possibl to turn ON 2FA on Web configurator website

Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to configure multi-factor authentication for Adaxes Web interface configurator. However, we have the feature in our TODO list.

Our problem is that we have only made self service web interface available outside our network ( to the internet) so users can reset and use self service options, however the Web configurator address is open as well which we do not want

Most probably, you installed Adaxes Web interface configurator along with the Web interface itself which is the cause of the issue. To remedy it, you need to remove the configurator from the server used to make Adaxes Web interface available from outside. To do so:

  1. On the computer, open Windows Programs and Features.
  2. Right-click Softerra Adaxes and then click Change. image.png
  3. Click Change.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Clear the Web Interface Configurator checkbox. image.png
  6. Click Next and finish the process.

Thank you for your assistance ! Loking forward to the 2FA feature on Web Configurator ! For now your suggested solution works and suffice the requirement !

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