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I'm in the process of moving both the Self Service and the Help Desk Pages from one webserver to another.

I have a backed up copy of the interface configuration copied to the webserver.

I installed the web pages for Self Service and Help Desk on the new web server.

When I go into the Web interface configuration tool and go to restore configuration it gets to the progress report page and on both pages I get an error for each saying "Object AdaxesHelpDesk Already Exists" "Object AdaxesSelfService Already Exists"

I checked the FAQ here: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Conf ... onfig.html

I did a little searching for the error and I'm coming up with nothing helpful.

Any ideas?

by (810 points)

I figured out what the problem was.

I changed the virtual directory on the new install to "HelpDesk and SelfService" from "AdaxesHelpdesk and AdaxesSelfService". Deploying back to the renamed virtual directory was failing.

I can change the Virtual Directory and Alias after the restore but I'm left wondering if that's such a good idea...

Is there a supported way to change the alias/Virtual Directory on a new install and apply the backup of the ui config to it?


So I can get around the error but I seem to be unable to get my configuration backup to restore with a virtual directory other than Adaxes...

Is it possible to make that happen or am I stuck changing the vDir and Alias after the restore?



Can you send your Web interface backup file to our support email(support[at]adaxes.com)?

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