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This is a feature request.

I would love to have somehwere in the service config the ability to declare PowerShell code that will be run before every custom command powershell script.

This could be used to define reusable objects, like global method, global variables, credentials, ...

Use case: I often need to enforce the same check during a object creation and modification that lead to code deduplication.

by (750 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (294k points)

Hello Pierre,

Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to just store some script or code and execute it by a reference. As a solution, you can use custom commands. The commands will only have the scripts you need. To execute a custom command in a business rule, scheduled task or another custom command, use the Execute a Custom Command action. The only requirement in this case is for the custom command and the object (e.g. business rule) that will execute the command to be configured for the same object type (e.g. user).


Thank you for that answer. While this is a nice workaround it is not as convenient as what I asked for (at least for my very usecase).

It would be awesome if you could consider my initial requirement as a feature request.


Hello Pierre,

Thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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