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I'm trying to understand the best approach to use when developing scripts for Adaxes. In the Management console you can't see the details of an object while coding.

What I'd like to do is figure out the best way to mimic the Context of an object and possibly be able to see its contents and so on. Being able to mimic the %attrib% would be nice as well but I figured that would be replaced after developing something based on a single object.

For Context of a User I'd think a Get-ADMUser might do the trick but its also possible there are additional attributes I don't see.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

by (790 points)

As I learn in the Mangement Console I've noticed that $Context.LogMessage seems useful for testing and viewing output.

Would this be the recommended way of reviewing script details?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (294k points)


If you need to output specific values (e.g. values of object properties) in your scripts, using the $Context.LogMessage method is the best way. If that is not what you are trying to achieve, please, specify the desired behavior in all the possible details with live examples.

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