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In the Exchange Properties we want to set the Retention Policy, but it shows only "[No Policy]" and the list is empty.

An Get-RetentionPolicy of Exchange shows: `Get-RetentionPolicy

Name RetentionPolicyTagLinks Guid

ArbitrationMailbox {Never Delete, AsyncOperationNotification, XXXXXXXX-3bd3-460b-b327-XXXXXXXXXXXX ModeratedRecipients, AutoGroup} Gelöschte Elemente {Gelöschte Objekte, Junk-EMail löschen} XXXXXXXX-5a29-4ce4-987c-XXXXXXXXXXXX Löschen Default MRM Policy {Never Delete, 5 Year Delete, 1 Year Delete, XXXXXXXX-2584-4883-b27d-XXXXXXXXXXXX 6 Month Delete, 1 Month Delete, 1 Week Delete, Personal never move to archive, Personal 5 year move to archive, Default 2 year move to archive, Personal 1 year move to archive, Recoverable Items 14 days move to archive} Posteingang löschen {Posteingang löschen} XXXXXXXX-73a4-42e2-b1d5-XXXXXXXXXXXX`

Running Exchange 2019 CU8/9 Version 15.2 (Build 858.5) on a Server 2019. Running Adaxes 2021.1 aswell on a server 2019 machine.

Do you have any ideas why the list is empty in adaxes?

Kind regards, Constantin

by (190 points)

Hello Constantin,

For troubleshooting purposes, please, enable tracing of requests sent to Exchange servers, reproduce the issue and send us (support@adaxes.com) the log file. For information on how to enable the tracing, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/EnableExchangeRequestLogging.

1 Answer

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by (292k points)
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Best answer

Hello Constantin,

It looks like the issue occurs because the account that was specified during the domain registration in Adaxes does not have required permissions in Exchange. For information on how to check/change the account, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ChangeManagedDomainServiceAccount. It is recommended to assign the account to the Organization Management role group. It provides administrative access to an entire Exchange organization and can perform almost any task.

If, for some reason, you do not want to provide the account administrative access to your Exchange organization, you need to assign the account to the following role groups in Exchange:

For more details, see Understanding Management Roles.


Thanks a lot, that worked out :-)

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