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We have configured Adaxes to make accounts that have been Deprovisioned be disabled and hidden from GAL but they are still showing up in GAL. In Adaxes the account is still showing as "NO" in "Hide from Excahnge address lists" image.png

In AD, under Attribute Editor msExchHideFromAddressLists is set to TRUE image.png

We are not sure where the disconnect is or why is the sync is not completely working. Any suggestions on configurations will help.

Thank you

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


As we understand, Chris Perez in your example has a remote mailbox. The thing is that for remote mailboxes, the Hide from Exchange address lists option is updated in Exchange on-premises. After that it gets synchronized to Exchange Online by AAD Connect. In Adaxes you see the option as disabled as exchange properties are retrieved from Exchange Online where it is not updated yet. First of all, we recommend you to make sure that the mailbox is included into the scope of AAD Connect and run the synchronization.

For your information, even after synchronization runs, it can take some time before the option is set in Exchange Online and thus gets displayed in Adaxes. Usually, it does not exceed a few minutes.

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