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Good Morning,

Getting this issue when trying to hide/unhide Exchange Online Mailboxes from the GAL using the Exchange section:


These accounts/mailboxes are anchored on prem with AAD Sync. AAD Sync is working normally and if I modify the AD Attribute directly it sync's and works, the issue only arises when trying to uncheck the "Hide from Exchange Lists" section of exchange which was working previously.

by (330 points)

1 Answer

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by (297k points)


Unfortunately, this is currently a known issue, but there is no workaround in Adaxes. It is due to the changes made by Microsoft on their side. However, it is also possible that the issue is just temporary. As of now, you can just make the corresponding changes on-premises using native tools.


Do you happen to know what changes Microsoft made or have a link for more information? Thanks!



When there is an attempt to update something in Exchange Online but it has t be done on-premises, a certain error is returned. The error allows Adaxes to switch to performing the update on-premises. As per our investigation, Microsoft changed the error text.



We released an update including a fix for the issue. Download and What’s New links are below. For information on how to check the version of Adaxes you are using, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.

Upgrade instructions

Adaxes 2023.2


What’s New

Adaxes 2023


What’s New

Adaxes 2021.1


What’s New


Thank for getting this resolved! I have yet to do a version update. We are currently on version 3.16.21906. Is the update as simple as removing the old version of Adaxes and then re-installing the new? Will I need the license key or need to run a backup first? We are running a multi-server ennvironment with three servers. Thanks! image.png



In a multi-server environment, you just upgrade Adaxes service instances one by one. Taking a backup and activating your license key is not required. However, it is still a good idea to take a backup before starting the upgrade unless you already have a fresh one.

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