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I'm trying to make one AD Group to allow access to one of the Web Interfaces I created. When I add that group to the Allowed list under the access control tab on the web interface configuration tool and add a user directly to the group they are able to access the site. When I nest another group inside the "Allow Access " Group members of the nested group are unable to login.

Is it safe to assume only direct members of the AD group I put in the allowed list will be allowed access and any members of a nested group will not be allowed access?

If members of nested groups aren't detected I will have to manually edit this access list for every group we add. I'd really prefer to be able to set this to a single group so I don't have to go into the web interface config tool every time we add a customer.

by (810 points)

Could someone confirm the Web Interface Access Control doesn't look into members of nested groups?

I just want to be sure it's not something I'm missing before I spend a bunch of time creating a work around.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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No, this is not the case. Memberships in nested groups are taken into account in the Web interface Access Control.

To troubleshoot the issue, first of all, make sure that you are using security groups only. Memberships in distribution groups are not checked for the Web Interface Access Control. Also, have a look at Adaxes Event Log on the computer where the Web Interface is installed for any errors and/or arnings that may be related to the issue. For information on how to access it, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ServiceAdmi ... ntLog.html.

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