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Some of our users don't log on to AD ever therefore does not give us a true user picture?

by (40 points)


It can be done using a custom report. For us to help you with the report, please, specify what exactly needs to be included. A live example of the report will be much appreciated.

Also, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are currently using. For information on how to check that, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


Hi, the report we are looking for similar to the built in one for AD.

As some of our users never actually log on, they just use email, so we need to know the last time they logged on to their email system on 365.

This will help us determin any licences that are not being used.

We are on version 3.14.18710



Thank you for the provided details. Due to the restrictions in Exchange Online (e.g. for the number of requests per unit time), there is no possibility to create such a report. As a solution, the last activity date can be saved to a custom date attribute of each user by a scheduled task. Then, the attribute will be used to generate the report. The disadvantage of the approach is that the activity dates can change between the scheduled task and report runs. If this approach meets your needs, we will provide you with detailed instructions on creating the report and the scheduled task.


Thank you, this would be great if possbile, may get us as close as possble to what we require.

1 Answer

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by (295k points)


Thank you for the confirmation. To save the date when a user was last active in Exchange Online to a custom date attribute, use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/save-last-activity-date-in-exchange-online-to-custom-attribute-s624.htm. To output the date in a report, you only need to add the corresponding column (e.g. CustomAttributeDate1) to the report. For example, you can use the built-in All users report. By default, the report is located in container Reports\All Reports\Users. If you want to create a new custom report, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateReport.htm.

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