Yes, you are right. It can only be done using a report-specific column. For details on working with columns, have a look at section Report-Specific Columns of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_CreateReport.htm#collapse3. In your case, the column should be of Text type and generated by the below script. In the script, the $propertyName variable specifies the LDAP name of the Boolean property (e.g. adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1) whose values will be displayed in the report column.
$propertyName = "adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1" # TODO: modify me
# Get property value
$object = $Context.GetADObject()
$propertyValue = $object.Get($propertyName)
$columnValue = $NULL
# Set column value
if ($propertyValue -eq $False)
$columnValue = "False"
elseif ($propertyValue -eq $True)
$columnValue = "True"
$Context.Value = $columnValue
If your report is generated by a script, it is recommended to generate report-specific column values in the script itself. For details, have a look at section Setting values for custom columns of the following SDK article: http://adaxes.com/sdk/GeneratingReports/#setting-values-for-custom-columns.