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Hi everyone,
How are you doing?

I need to know how do I to make changes in selfservice password policy.
Actually my policy is in production and all users have to answer 4 questions, but we have to change for all users answer only 2 questions.

Is there a possibility of users don't re-enroll the policy, keeping 2 responses from 4 questions already made?

Thanks for all.



by (100 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Hello Lopes,

It depends the version of Adaxes you are using.

  1. Adaxes 2015 Update 2
    If you have the latest Adaxes version (Adaxes 2015 Update 2), users will not have to re-enroll. Starting from this version, if a policy changes, and users have more questions in their question pool than they are required to answer, such users are re-enrolled automatically.
  2. Versions prior to Adaxes 2015 Update 2
    In earlier Adaxes versions, the behavior depends on the following setting of your Password Self-Service Policy: Miscellaneous\Re-Enrollment\Force users affected by this policy to re-enroll when.

    If the option is enabled, users will have to re-enroll. If not, they won’t have to re-enroll, however, the old policy will be applied to them. That is, they will have to answer all the 4 questions when resetting their password.

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