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I did some testing around Fine Grained Paswword Policy and Adaxes. See my previous post. It seems to be OK.


If I use the Adaxes web portal to view a user's account it shows the password expiry as per the default domain policy and not the true one as of the FGPP as implemented by Adaxes.

by (280 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The Password Expires field of the Web Interface displays expiration time based on the Default Domain Policy instead of Fine-Grained Password Policies. This is a bug that we will fix in one of our nearest releases. Thank you for the bugreport.

For now you may see the password policy applied to the user by clicking the View Password Policy link on the Reset Password dialog:


Thanks for the info.

Just to clarify I am NOT talking about the self service web portal but the helpdesk portal. When searching and displaying a user you see the wrong password expiration date.


Doesn't matter. This bug does not depend on the Web Interface type. Thanks again for the bugreport!


Was this fixed in new version?



We didn't manage to include the fix for the bug into Adaxes 2013.1 release. Approximately in a month we are going to release a minor update for Adaxes 2013.1 that will include the fix.

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