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we`ve got an error with the account options.
If i grant rights to change the account options, only a few options are changeable on the webinterface. The first three option like "User must change password at next logon" etc. are locked. Do you know why?

Thank you very much and best refards

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Hello Manuel,

To modify those options a user must have the rights to modify the following properties:

  1. Account Options (userAccountControl)
  2. Password Last Set (pwdLastSet)
  3. User Cannot Change Password (adm-CanNotChangePassword)

Hi Eugene,

ah okay, now it`s working!
I referred to the the following tutorial in wich only the account options are selected:
http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delegat ... ptions.htm

But thank you very much & best regards


We'll update that tutorial to include this info.

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