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Hello again!

I discovered to make the password reset function with default account options (force password reset on first logon checked, User Cannot Change Password and password never expired unchecked, etc) I need write permissions to the 'User Cannot Change Password' Property. I can't seem to locate the GUID for that property either on the Microsoft site or in the Adaxes console.

I have already granted write permission to account options but that doesn't appear to be enough because I get an error in the web interface saying I can't reset the users password because I can't write the 'User Cannot Change Password' Property. As soon as I assign that permission in the UI it works.

I'm trying to build all security roles in powershell. I'm hoping there's a GUID for that I can add to my script, I just can't find the darn thing.

by (810 points)

1 Answer

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by (810 points)

I did a little more research and it appears the reason I can't find the GUID in the microsoft documentation is it's a "Calculated Property"

http://www.adaxes.com/help/ValueReferen ... rties.html

I think the one I'm looking for is adm-CanNotChangePassword. Where can I find the GUID for that property or is there another way to refer to it?



Yes, you need the adm-CanNotChangePassword property. The GUID of the property is {60b10d64-0f1b-465f-8cc0-bef2de541343}.

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