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We have 4 om prem servers to setup Adaxes on, we currently have almost everything on one server but have crashed on several occassions when multiple scheduled jobs are running and the Service Desk are using it for unlocks and account look ups. We want to setup two web frontend servers that are dedicated to webUI and nothing else and then two more powerful "Processing" servers that handle the Scheduled task, the API from Workday and so on. This way we have no impact to the Service Desk teams using the system when we are doing massive loads of data or similar.

We have a third party partner that entioned we might be licensed for this type of setup. Please explain the proper way to achieve this configuration without having to buy double the licenses.

Thanks' Jay

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)

Hello Jay,

To achieve the desired you do not need extra licenses. You will just need to install the Adaxes service component on two servers making sure that the service instances share common configuration. For details, have a look at section Multi-server deployment of our installation guide: https://www.adaxes.com/help/InstallationGuide/#multi-server-deployment. Then, you will need to have two servers with only the Web interface component in a web farm. For details, have a look at section Deploying Web interface into a web farm of our installation guide: https://www.adaxes.com/help/InstallationGuide/#deploying-web-interface-to-a-web-farm.

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