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I have a problem when I created a new user with a mailbox with the first or last name has an accent. only Internal users of the company have a delivery failure :

#550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found ##

If I create the same user without accent, everything works.

by (360 points)


What version of Exchange do you use?
What happens if you create a mailbox using native Exchange tools?
Did you configure any E-mail Address Policies?
Please have a look at this article: Swedish characters in Email Address Policies.


version of my Exchange server : 2010 rollup5
yes I have a E-mail Address Policies : alias@domain.com
When I create the mailbox with the Exchange console, everything works perfectly.

I think the problem come from the variable : legacyExchangeDN


We can't reproduce the issue in our environment.
Could you please provide step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the problem.


Create user with Adaxes console :


Create same user with Exchange Console :

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Our QA team have managed to reproduce the issue in our environment. I'll update this topic as soon as we fix the issue.

For now, to create Exchange mailboxes automatically, you can use the following PowerShell script:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
$database = "Mail01\Database01"
Enable-Mailbox -Identity "%distinguishedName%" -Alias "%username%" -Database $database

My Exchange server is not in the same domain.
can you send a command powershell on another domain (no approval inter domain) ?


Sorry for such the delay.
We managed to fix the issue. We'll upload an update as soon as our QA guys confirms it.



We've uploaded an update that contains a fix for the Exchange mailbox issue.
You can download the update at http://adaxes.com/download_direct.htm
Upgrade instructions

We are VERY sorry for the inconveniences caused.

Please let us know whether the issue is fixed.

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