0 votes

We are trying to mass change user photos through a scripted method. We are using a modified version of the Import User Photo and Optimize User Photo scripts. Optimization script is posted below the post.

The import script is configured as a custom command.
The optimize script as a business rule to run before updating a user if the jpegPhoto attribute has changed.

When I edit the jpegPhoto manually the business rule and script perform as expected.

  • Get the modified bytes of jpegPhoto.

  • Check dimensions and byte count.

    • Scale and reduce quality if needed.
  • Create thumbnailPhoto

    • Reduce quality if needed.
  • Set jpegPhoto and thumbnailPhoto

When I run the Import user photo script targeted at a user, the imported photo is not scaled and quality is not reduced.
However, the thumbnail is created and saved.

Any ideas?

## Contants
$maxThumbnailDimension = 300
$maxThumbnailKB = 100
$maxJpegDimension = 1200
$maxJpegKB = 600

## Functions
function DeleteTmpFile ($filePath)

function CheckFileSizeAndSave ($filePath, $quality, $imageFormat, $imageCodecInfo, $maxBytes, $picture)
    if ($quality -lt 0)
        DeleteTmpFile $filePath

    # Set encoder settings for image quality 
    $encoderParams = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameters(1)
    $encoder = [System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder]::Quality
    $encoderParams.Param[0] = New-Object System.Drawing.Imaging.EncoderParameter($encoder, $quality)

    # Save file
    $picture.Save($filePath, $imageCodecInfo, $($encoderParams))

    # Check file size
    $fileSize = (Get-Item $filePath).Length / 1kb
    if ($fileSize -lt $maxBytes)
        $quality = $quality - 5
        CheckFileSizeAndSave $filePath $quality $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $maxBytes $picture

function UpdateUserPhotos ($jpegPhotoPath, $thumbnailPhotoPath)
    if (!(Test-Path $thumbnailPhotoPath))
        $Context.Cancel("Automatic thumbnail creation failed.")

    # Update the thumbnailPhoto attribute
    $jpegPhotoBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($jpegPhotoPath)
    $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("jpegPhoto", $jpegPhotoBytes)

    $gamOutput = & "c:\gam\gam.exe" user '%mail%' update photo $jpegPhotoPath 2>&1
    if ($gamOutput -like "*Error*"){
        Write-Error "$gamOutput"
        $Context.LogMessage("%mail% profile photo has been updated.", "Information")

    # Update the thumbnailPhoto attribute
    $thumbnailPhotoBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($thumbnailPhotoPath)
    $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("thumbnailPhoto", $thumbnailPhotoBytes)

    # Delete the temporary file
    DeleteTmpFile $thumbnailPhotoPath
    DeleteTmpFile $jpegPhotoPath

$jpegPhotoBytes = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("jpegPhoto")
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($jpegPhotoBytes))
    return # The jpegPhoto attribute is empty

    $original = [System.Drawing.Image]$jpegPhotoBytes
    $originalWidth = $original.Width
    $originalHeight = $original.Height
    $originalRatio = $originalWidth / $originalHeight

    if ($originalRatio -ne 1) {
        $Context.Cancel("Please upload a square ratio (1:1) photo.")

    if ($originalHeight -lt $maxJpegDimension) {
        $Context.Cancel("Please upload a photo that is at least $maxJpegDimension x $maxJpegDimension.")

    $jpegPhotoFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $thumbnailPhotoFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $imageFormat = "System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat" -as [type]
    $imageCodecInfo = [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageCodecInfo]::GetImageEncoders() | where {$_.MimeType -eq 'image/jpeg'}

    # Check original size
    if ($originalHeight -gt $maxJpegDimension)

        # Resize the picture
        $newJpegPicture = $original.GetThumbnailImage($maxJpegDimension, $maxJpegDimension, $null, [intptr]::Zero)
        CheckFileSizeAndSave $jpegPhotoFilePath 100 $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $maxJpegKB $newJpegPicture
        if (!(Test-Path $jpegPhotoFilePath))
            $Context.Cancel("Automatically resize jpeg failed.")
        CheckFileSizeAndSave $jpegPhotoFilePath 100 $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $maxJpegKB $original

    $newThumbnailPicture = $original.GetThumbnailImage($maxThumbnailDimension, $maxThumbnailDimension, $null, [intptr]::Zero)
    CheckFileSizeAndSave $thumbnailPhotoFilePath 100 $imageFormat $imageCodecInfo $maxThumbnailKB $newThumbnailPicture
    if (!(Test-Path $thumbnailPhotoFilePath))
        $Context.Cancel("Automatically resize thumbnail failed.")

    UpdateUserPhotos $jpegPhotoFilePath $thumbnailPhotoFilePath
    # Release resources
    if ($original) { $original.Dispose() }
    if ($newJpegPicture) { $newJpegPicture.Dispose() }
    if ($newThumbnailPicture) { $newThumbnailPicture.Dispose() }
by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer


The thing is that your Business Rule is configured to trigger only if the jpegPhoto property is updated. If the import script performs the update directly in Active Directory, the Business Rule will not trigger. For the scenario to work properly, you need to pass the jpegPhoto property update through Adaxes pipeline. Find the updated Import User Photo script below.

$picturePath = "\\SERVER\Share\%username%.png"  # TODO: modify me

# Check whether the picture file exists
if(!(Test-Path -Path $picturePath))
    $Context.LogMessage("File does not exist '$picturePath'.", "Error")

# Update picture
[Byte[]]$pictureBytes = Get-Content $picturePath -Encoding Byte
$user = $Context.BindToObjectEx($Context.TargetObject.AdsPath, $True)
$user.Put("jpegPhoto", $pictureBytes)

Thank you for the fix!

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