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I have a piece of code that troubles me:

Import-Module Adaxes

# $Server = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$Advisgruppe = "%distinguishedName%"
$Member = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://%member%")
$UserFullName = $Member.Get("name")
$TheUserCpr = $Member.Get("employeeNumber")
$TheUserOffice = $Member.Get("physicalDeliveryOfficeName")

# For debug
$Context.LogMessage("Bruger: " + $UserFullName, "Information")
$Context.LogMessage("AdvisGruppe: " + $Advisgruppe, "Information")


If executed directly as a Powershell part of a Business Rule, that fires before adding a user to a group, it works okay (the target user is the right one):

If executed from the same Business Rule, but now as a Custom Command (Object type: group) , the target user is wrong:

I've reused the code from another BR/CC combination, except for one thing. In the other combinations, the Activity Scope is an OU (subtree).
In the case above, it is a specific security group.

- Thanks

by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


By default, the %member% value reference returns a member you've just added or removed only in Business Rules triggered on adding or removing members from groups. In other Business Rules, and also in Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks this value reference is substituted with the DN of the 1st member of the group returned by Active Directory, and there's absolutely no guarantee that AD returns the last added user first.

Thus, in your case, the option to use a Business Rule is correct, and the option to use a Custom Command is not.


Thanks. That cleared out some other issues too.
You can add [SOLVED] to this one too :-)

- Regards



Come to think about it......

Is there another method - in Custom Commands - to determine the target user, to be/has been added og removed ??

I am asking, because I have several similar scripts (to maintain) in different Business Rules, that do the same job.

- Thanks



Could you specify why you need multiple Business Rules to execute this script? What are the differences between the use cases? Can you provide as much detail as possible?



The learning curve rise, as we develop in Adaxes ...... ;)

No problem here after all.

- Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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