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When we create a new user in Adaxes, we can select the job title in a dropdown because we have defined it in the property pattern. Now I would like to create a custom command for a special user which has to specify name, first name, exit and Job Title. However, I can't set the dropdown of the Job Title the same way as on the interface "Create User". How can I bring the same dropdown from "create user" into my custom command? image.png

Thank you!

by (320 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.2k points)


You can use the following script from our repository to copy allowed property values from a property pattern to a custom command parameter: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/copy-allowed-property-values-from-property-pattern-to-custom-command-parameter-s598.htm.


Hi! Jumping into this old thread to follow up on the matter. The script you linked only seems to copy over contraints, but is there a way to copy over the "Must be one of the following values only" area to the parameter instead?



The script does exactly what is required. It copies the values specified in the Must be one of the following values only section of a property pattern item to the custom command parameter. Pay attention that the custom command parameter must be of the Drop-down list type. Also, make sure to adjust the script variable according to your needs, the variables are described in the Parameters section of the repository article.


I double checked based on your advice, but I'm still running into the "No constraint is defined for the ''Job Type' property in the property pattern" warning when I run the script.

When I look at the script, it's checking for VALUEFORMAT and VALUERANGE. Is the 'following values only' inside either of those constraint types or would it be its own constraint type?



The error occurs only in case there are no settings in the specified property pattern for the specified property. If you set the $propertyName variable to Job Title, the behavior is expected. As it is specified in the variable description, it must be set to an LDAP name (in this case title) of a property, not a display name.

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