We have a series of transforms we use for users including moving to different OU's.
Is there a way to open the user's object after the command completes much in the same way a user creation does?
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.
Is there a way to get the name of the user who approved a request and supply that to a step inside of a custom command? For example, HR submits a status change for an employee. ... and pass it as a param in a custom command that is called in one of the steps?
We are using the below snippet to grab the email of a single custom attribute object. Can I get guidance on the best way to modify this to get all the emails of each ... "The user specified in parameter 'MyParameter' has no email address. ", "Information") }
We currently have a form for HR to deal with ex-employees that are hired once more, but it's not much more than automatic emails sent to IT. If I add some actions ... this trigger the business rule we have that targets "After updating a user" ? Thanks, Louis
On Approval Requests, in the web console, Initiator shows "N/A" instead of the custom command scheduled task. The admin console shows the custom command scheduled task though. Any way to fix that?
Here is my issue, When I use this code: $DNs = %param-GroupsInRole% $Groups = $DNs -split "|" %Param-GroupsInRole% can have multiple groups. When setting up the parameter I am ... I just need to be able to do a foreach with the groups picked by the initiator.