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Hello! We are currently trying to use the REST API to search for all group objects in our domain, but the search result is only returning 1000 objects. We tried supplying a larger number to the sizeLimit query parameter, but we're still getting a maximum of 1000 objects despite having significantly more group objects than that. We're able to retrieve fewer than 1000 objects when we give a lower number, like 10, so I don't think the problem is with the syntax of the request.

Is there a way to retrieve more than 1000 objects using the REST API?

by (320 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to overcome the limit when performing a search using Adaxes REST API. The only workaround is to make multiple requests. This is a known behavior and we will address it in the next major release.



The new version of Adaxes where the REST API search limit was addressed is released. You can download it from here.

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My question is where is the example on how to make multiple requests to get the full list of members?

How do you get the first 1000? And then the next set and so on. What are the parameters to be able to do this? I do not see it in the Adaxes API documentation. Also, there isn't any mention in the documentation about the size limit and there should have been.

I think we are still on Adaxes 2021. At least that is what the Administration Console says. I don't know when we are planning to upgrade.



How do you get the first 1000? And then the next set and so on. What are the parameters to be able to do this?

There is no such possibility in any version of Adaxes.

I think we are still on Adaxes 2021.

The feature is not available in your version of Adaxes.

Also, there isn't any mention in the documentation about the size limit and there should have been.

That is not correct. Here is what the parameter description says:

The maximum number of objects to retrieve. If not specified, every object that matches the search criteria will be retrieved.

You can find that information in the corresponding article: https://adaxes.com/sdk/REST_SearchDirectory. There is a similar parameter description in the article for the get group members request. As such, you can leave the parameter unspecified to retrieve all the objects independently on the number.


Thanks for answering my question. It is unfortunate in the older versions (the one we are on) has a limit of a 1000 members. That is the maximum that is returned.

And yes while the documentations does say what you have there, it's just not true for the older versions. Since there is a limit of 1000, it should state that.

Also, you answered the original poster with this:

The only workaround is to make multiple requests. This is a known behavior and we will address it in the next major release.

And that was my question about your answer to the OP. How do you make multiple requests to eventually get ALL of the members of a group over 1000. Thanks.



And yes while the documentations does say what you have there, it's just not true for the older versions. Since there is a limit of 1000, it should state that.

That is not correct. There is a link to the article for version 2021.1 in the beginning of the Search directory article. image.png

How do you make multiple requests to eventually get ALL of the members of a group over 1000.

The approach is totally up to you. For example, you can first get members whose name starts with A, then with B, etc.

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