I am trying to create a process where a user can request access to one or more groups via a web form that also prompts for a date/time to be added (custom date attribute) and a number of hours before being removed from the group (custom integer attribute).
I thought I could do this by creating a business rule that would require approval before executing a powershell to set up a scheduled task to add the user to the group and another to remove the user after the specified number of hours. There are great examples of scripts that do parts of this, including setting up a scheduled task.
I created a modify user form to capture the date, duration, and select the groups. It works fine capturing all the information except the group. Using an example script, I am at a point where I can create the scheduled job after approval, but I have not figured out a good way to allow someone to select a group and pass that into the script?
Maybe creating a scheduled task to add membership and a second task to remove after the duration has expired is not the right approach. I am open to ideas and would appreciate the help.
$user = "%distinguishedName%"
$AODEnd = "%adm-CustomAttributeDate1%,$AODLength"
$group = "??????"
$actiont = %action%
# Scheduled task settings
$containerName = "AOD - Auto Tasks" # Where to create scheduled task
$taskName = "AOD - Start - %username%" # Name Task
$taskDescription = "AOD Start Access" # Description of Task
$deleteTaskAfterExecution = $False # Set to $false for testing and $true for normal use
# Script for action
$scriptDescription = "Start AOD"
$scriptToExecute = "Add-AdmGroupMember $group $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue"
function CheckNameForUnique($taskPath)
$task = $Context.BindToObject($taskPath)
return $False
return $True
# Bind to the Scheduled Tasks container
$scheduledTasksPath = $Context.GetWellKnownContainerPath("ScheduledTasks")
$scheduledTasksPathObj = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdsPath" $scheduledTasksPath
$containerPath = $scheduledTasksPathObj.CreateChildPath("CN=$containerName")
$container = $Context.BindToObject($containerPath)
$Context.LogMessage("task | " + $container , "Error")
# If the task name is not unique, generate a unique one
$uniqueName = $taskName
for ($i = 1; $True; $i++)
$taskPath = $containerPath.CreateChildPath("CN=$uniqueName")
if (CheckNameForUnique $taskPath)
$uniqueName = "$taskName`_$i"
# Create a Scheduled Task
$task = $container.Create("adm-ScheduledTask", "CN=$uniqueName")
$task.ObjectType = "domainDNS"
$task.Description = $taskDescription
$task.Disabled = $False
$task.OperationType = "none"
$task.DeleteTaskAfterExecution = $deleteTaskAfterExecution
$recurrencePattern = $task.GetRecurrencePattern()
$recurrencePattern.RecurrenceType = "ADM_RECURRENCEPATTERNTYPE_ONCE"
$recurrencePattern.PatternStartDateTime = ($AODStart)
# Define actions and conditions
# Create a new set of actions and conditions
$actionsAndConditions = $task.ConditionedActions.Create()
$actionsAndConditions.ConditionsLogicalOperation = "ADM_LOGICALOPERATION_AND"
# Add Run PowerShell Script action
$action = $actionsAndConditions.Actions.CreateEx("adm-RunScriptAction")
$scriptAction = $action.GetAction()
$scriptAction.ScriptType = "ADM_SCRIPTTYPE_POWERSHELL"
$scriptAction.ScriptDescription = $scriptDescription
$scriptAction.Script = $scriptToExecute.ToString()
# Add the set to the Scheduled Task
# Set the scope of activity to All Objects
$scopeItem = $task.ActivityScopeItems.Create()
$scopeItem.BaseObject = $NULL
$scopeItem.Inheritance = "ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE"
$scopeItem.Exclude = $False