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When I click on a user from the web interface I get this error message at the top of the page :

The search filter cannot be recognized. (Server: domainname)

Before I did change on certain LDAP filters (Edit Home Page Action). Possible this is the cause. But now I removed all "Allow selecting only AD objects that match the specific LDAP Filter" from all "Home page Actions" I have modified but the error is still there.

It happens only to a specific web site (not Administrator but a custom one for service desk).

What can I do to troubleshoot and find out the cause?


by (1.1k points)


Could you post here a screenshot of the error message you get or send it to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com)? Also, can you have a look at Adaxes Event Log for any errors and/or warnings that may be related to the issue? For information on how to access the log, have a look at the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ServiceAdmi ... ntLog.html.

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