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I am searching for a good workflow for changing the manager field of users when there is a change in management. I was thinking of doing it based off job title. So I was going to use the customtext attribute to fill in what the job title of the manager should be, but I am stuck from here.


We get a new Director of Nursing. All the nurses below them need to have their manager field changed to the new Director of Nursing.

How can this be done automatically? I am building everything else off of job titles so that would be ideal.

Thanks for the help and the awesome product.

by (20 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure how exactly the process should work. Do we understand correctly that you need to make sure that all users with a specific Job Title have a specific manager?


I apologize for the lack of clarity.

I would like to have the manager fields updated based on job title.


There are several Nurses with the Job Title "Registered Nurse". Everyone with that job title should have the user whose job title is "Director of Nursing" as their manager. Then when the director of nursing changes, I want all the users with the job title "Registered Nurse" to have the new person whose job title is "Director of Nursing" as their new manager.

So the manager for "Registered Nurse" is always whomever has the job title "Director of Nursing".

Does that make more sense?

Thanks for the assistance.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Thank you for clarifying. To achieve the desired, use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/set-manager-based-on-property-value-s670.htm. In your case, it should be executed in a scheduled task like the following: image.png

Also, you can use the script in a business rule like below: image.png

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