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Good afternoon,

I'm looking to generate a script to allow automation of updating job titles using a spreadsheet.

To do this we would use a spreadsheet generated by another team called "UserExportSpreadsheet" (See attached for sanitized copy). Example of Spreadsheet And basically if a user's job title in the spreadsheet is different from AD (using columns B and O in the spreadsheet for reference against EmployeeID and Job Title in AD).

We would run this command once a month using a scheduled task. But i'm looking for assistance with the proper scripting and in calling the file.

Please let me know if you require any additional information Regards

by (700 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


You can use Script 2: Only update existing users from the following article in our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/import-new-and-updated-users-from-csv-file-s246.htm. If you need to modify the script but face issues to do so, please, provide all the possible details regarding the desired behavior with live examples and we will help you.

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