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Right now, I have my Help Desk limited to the Employee OU for Password Resets, Unlocking, and Updating user information. And I have also limited then to seeing nothing but User Accounts. So when they use the Search or Reports functions that I've allowed them to use, it show's them users OUTSIDE of the Employee's OU. They can't do anything with them, BUT it's in the list. For example it's showing other ADMIN users that aren't in the OU, and also Decommisioned users that are in the Decommisioned OU.

Is there a way to keep those users outside the Employee OU from showing up in Searches and Reports?

by (1.5k points)

Ok, I think I got it. My Domain Users Security is set at Authenticated Users = All Objects.

So, they are getting the rights to see those from it. So I can change this, or use the Blind User to deny access as well.

Please let me know if there's something different that what I am saying here.


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