I'm testing 2023 and have noticed that the admin console keeps grabbing memory.
This seems to be happening when editing powershell scripts in scheduled tasks - I've not tried much else yet with this version.
The editor starts to freeze and then the memory usage climbs, this box is currently at 38% memory from around 2% when I started editing this script. The only way to clear it is to kill the console and re-open.
This is a test install, so the server isn't particularly high spec and the backend, web and DB are all running on the one box, but I didn't notice this issue when testing any previous version of Adaxes on similar hardware.
The script is very basic at the moment, in fact I have only got so far as the below, I've not even tried to run it against anything yet.
#Get Credentials and connect to AzureAD
$cred = $Context.GetOffice365Credential()
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $cred
$purpose = Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity
Is this a known problem?