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I'm testing 2023 and have noticed that the admin console keeps grabbing memory. This seems to be happening when editing powershell scripts in scheduled tasks - I've not tried much else yet with this version. The editor starts to freeze and then the memory usage climbs, this box is currently at 38% memory from around 2% when I started editing this script. The only way to clear it is to kill the console and re-open.

This is a test install, so the server isn't particularly high spec and the backend, web and DB are all running on the one box, but I didn't notice this issue when testing any previous version of Adaxes on similar hardware.

The script is very basic at the moment, in fact I have only got so far as the below, I've not even tried to run it against anything yet.

#Get Credentials and connect to AzureAD
$cred = $Context.GetOffice365Credential()
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Connect-ExchangeOnline -Credential $cred

$purpose = Get-UnifiedGroup -Identity 


Is this a known problem?


by (2.0k points)

Hello Matt,

The behaviour with memory consumption is expected as whenever you open the editor Adaxes loads all the default PowerShell modules data. As for releasing the memory, please, provide the following details:

  • Is the memory actually released in some time after you just close the script editor in the console?
  • Are Adaxes service and Administration console installed on the same computer?
  • What PowerShell modules are installed on the computer? To check that, please, execute the following command in Windows PowerShell and provide us with the output:
Get-Module -ListAvailable
  • Do you have any custom PowerShell modules installed?


Thanks and sorry for the delayed reply. Given your reply, I see this is expected, and as this is a Dev box I can live with it. I guess we've not noticed this before because we were connecting to it from a remote console which we can't do at the moment as our live environment is still on 2021 :)

To answer your questions

  • Do you have any custom PowerShell modules installed? - No
  • Is the memory actually released in some time after you just close the script editor in the console? - Yes, Ithough 'm not sure how long this takes.
  • Are Adaxes service and Administration console installed on the same computer? - Yes
  • What PowerShell modules are installed on the computer? - Lots! Too many to mention in here but there's over 600 of them - though Graph alone is about 500.

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Matt,

Thank you for the provided details. In case of such an amount of modules the behaviour is expected. Unfortunately, there is no way to change it as the behviour comes from Windows PowerShell itself, not Adaxes.

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