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Hello adaxes team,

im currently getting used to Adaxes after taking the software over from a former colleague (2018.2).
What i noticed is that when i open the Administration Console and connect to the Adaxes server, the Memory usage of the Adaxes Services spikes and isnt going down unless i manually restart the Service on the Server. This happens regardless if im using the console Remotly or locally on the Server.

As far as i can tell there is no Buissness-Processes or Tasks running, the increase in memory consuption is simply by connection the administration-console. The alloted memory isnt released even after i close the console back down again.
Any tips where i can look? attached is a Screenshot of the working set of the Process from after Restart (161MB up to 1372MB)
Note that no Task/Process was executed, simply connecting, editing and saving some custom-commands.

by (30 points)

Further analysis shows that its correlated to saving a custom command (powershell). not executing it, just simply saving changes to it.

Restarted Service - Memory consumption of Adaxes.Service Process before : 423 MB
Editing a custom command with the example powershell script : (
before :
write-host "hi"
write-host "hu"
write-host "hi"
Memory usage after the Save : 575 Mb, then going down to 527MB and not down further from there.

Any ideas?



Do we understand correctly that the script was edited via the PowerShell Script Editor dialog?

The dialog opening initiates loading of PowerShell modules and cmdlets metadata.

The process goes until all the data is loaded and consumes memory even if the dialog was closed. However, the consumed memory should be released after a period of time. Could you, please, clarify how long did you wait for memory release before restarting the service?


I waited multiple hours with no change in the memory usage.

I just restarted the service before the test to make sure to get a "clean" enviroment.

can you elaborate how long i should wait till the memory should be released to make sure i can analyse it better ? (i would save my hello world script 5 times in a row to generate roughly 500mb memory usage and then wait untill it is freed up again)

Edit : also, is there a way to track down which powershell-module gets loaded and might cause the issue? (im guessing all modules get loaded since none is imported at the start explecitly).



can you elaborate how long i should wait till the memory should be released to make sure i can analyse it better ?

The memory releasing depends on Windows memory management. If the consumed memory is not required for other processes, it can stay consumed for days. However, it should be released once requested by other processes.

is there a way to track down which powershell-module gets loaded and might cause the issue? (im guessing all modules get loaded since none is imported at the start explecitly)

The issue is not related to a certain module. All the installed modules are requested for load.


Yeah but thats exactly the Problem : the Memory never gets released & the Adaxes Website and Server eventually become slow and unresponsive.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Sorry for the delay. We were checking the possible cause of the behaviour. According to our investigation, this is an issue in Windows PowerShell, not in Adaxes. The memory leaks are the same even if modules and metadata are loaded using a PowerShell session outside of Adaxes.



Im having this issue too. What ive noticed is as soon as the editor is loaded, CPU on the adaxes server spikes from 1% to 25% - and stays at 25%. Memory goes through the roof untill all memory (8GB) is consumed. I also noted that the hour glass icon with "Loading cmdlets metadata...." never completes. I presume Adaxes is attempting to get metadata from powershell to help with syntax while editing etc? Can you provide more details on whats going on here and maybe assist with troubleshooting? Yes it maybe a powershell problem however it would appear it has something to do with how adaxes is interacting with Powershell - Please dont just state powershell issue and whipe your hands of the issue.

What i have noticed is it appears that the adaxes service is repeatitively trying to read a ProxyCmdletDefinitions.ps1 file for MS Graph? image.png



Memory goes through the roof untill all memory (8GB) is consumed. I also noted that the hour glass icon with "Loading cmdlets metadata...." never completes.

The metadata loading time and the amount of memory to be consumed depends on the number and size of the PowerShell modules installed on the computer where Adaxes service runs. You can uninstall redundant modules from the computer to decrease the memory leaks.

I presume Adaxes is attempting to get metadata from powershell to help with syntax while editing etc?

The presumption is correct.

Yes it maybe a powershell problem however it would appear it has something to do with how adaxes is interacting with Powershell - Please dont just state powershell issue and whipe your hands of the issue.

Adaxes just requests metadata of PowerShell modules from operating system. Once the request is sent, there is no possibility to cancel it. Currently, the only way to prevent the issue is to not send the request. However, we are looking for a workaround.

What i have noticed is it appears that the adaxes service is repeatitively trying to read a ProxyCmdletDefinitions.ps1 file for MS Graph?

MS Graph is just one of the modules whose metadata is loaded on opening PowerShell Script Editor. There is no additional relation between the module and the issue.


Adaxes just requests metadata of PowerShell modules from operating system. Once the request is sent, there is no possibility to cancel it. Currently, the only way to prevent the issue is to not send the request. However, we are looking for a workaround.

Did you ever find a workaround? We still have his issue.



Starting with Adaxes 2021.1, the PowerShell script editor imports metadata only for the cmdlets that are used in the script. Thus, it takes much less time and consumes significantly less memory. For additional information on the update, see section Other changes in the corresponding What's New: https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new_2021.1.htm#other_changes.

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