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We just started setting up our Adaxes software and one thing we were doing previously is creating user accounts before their start date and within 24 hours moving the account from staging OU to new OU and reset password and email manager(s) the information. We managed to get the start date in to Adaxes via a custom attribute, the question is can we automate this behavior in Adaxes so it was before?

by (3.2k points)


We are setting the hire date in the custom attribute (adm-CustomAttributeDate1) and we have the following scheduled task (see image)

We are trying to set this task to run every nioght at 9pm and send any users that start the next day or before.
Example: We could have 10 users starting tomorrow and 3 that started last week we were just notified about. We would like all 13 users to be affected by the task.

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by (299k points)
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The condition If the 'Hire Date' property equals '%datetime,-1d%' means that the Scheduled Task will affect only users that have Hire Date set exactly to the same time (hours, minutes, seconds) on the day preceding the current one. You need to define a period for the Hire Date with two conditions. For example, for the Scheduled Task to affect users that have Hire Date between 10 and 1 days before the current the conditions should be as follows:


We set this up just like this (screenshot) and set a scheduled task time of 1:00am and the four people who should have been captured and completed by the task weren't touched.



Could you make sure that each of the four user accounts meets all the conditions of at least one set?

Also, check if the Scheduled Task affects these users with Show All Affected Objects option.

Use Run Now option to execute the task out of schedule.


Each of the 4 users did meet atleast one criteria if not several.
We will look at tonight's users more closely and make sure they should fall into the criteria as well and try again.

Our main trigger here is the hire date, does that look to be setup properly?



Our main trigger here is the hire date, does that look to be setup properly?

Yes, it is setup correctly.

Each of the 4 users did meet atleast one criteria if not several.

A user must meet all the conditions of the set for the actions to be performed on them.


OK we just reviewed last night user accounts. It looks like the four accounts that meet the requirements worked perfectly. The two that didn't get captured are due to the actual time stamp of when they were created. ex. user account created at 5:00pm would not be captured in the criteria because we are triggering off 1:00am. So these accounts will go out the following day.

Is there a way to make all accounts created time stamp at 12:01am no matter when they were created? We would also need to update the existing created 100 plus accounts to the correct format so they trigger properly.



Is there a way to make all accounts created time stamp at 12:01am no matter when they were created?

Could you specify what exactly you mean?

We would also need to update the existing created 100 plus accounts to the correct format so they trigger properly.

Do we understand correctly that you want to update the Hire Date of the users to a certain date? If that is correct, could you specify how the users should be filtered?


We figured out how to set the actual time stamp for the hire date attribute (adm-CustomAttributeDate1). However when we set it for instance to 2/27/2017 12:01AM, the custom command still did not fire correctly. The users in question did meet all the criteria for triggering the command. Please advise.

Please note they will trigger the following day if we do not interfere.



According to your Scheduled Task configuration, users that have hire date set to 2/27/2017 12:01AM will be affected by the task on 3/1/2017. The reason is that the Scheduled Task is executed at 1:00AM. For example, with the current configuration, the Scheduled Task executed on 3/15/2017 will affect only users that have Hire Date between 3/1/2017 1:00AM and 3/14/2017 1:00AM.

If you want the Scheduled Task to trigger on users that have Hire Date set to the previous day, the conditions should be as follows:

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