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Occasionally, we get the following error message during account creation:

"The password wasn't set because of the following error: Directory object not found."

The account is created and the other business rules are applied without issue. We then reset the password in a subsequent operation.

Any ideas about this?


by (950 points)

Hello Brad,

What version of Adaxes are you using?
The issue was fixed in one of the recent minor updates.


Version 3.2.7708.0 (64 bit)


1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)
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Best answer


Yes, version 3.2.7708.0 contains the 'Directory object not found' issue.
You need to download and install the latest version of Adaxes, which is 3.2.7913.0.


I would like to make a suggestion for the upgrade procedure:

(forgive me if I missed something)....

The default instructions to upgrade worked great, except that if you are required to keep the log file, it gets removed by default. It is easy to save it and put it back in the logdb folder after the upgrade, but it would be better if the installation preserved this for you.




Starting from 2011.3 the Logging database is not deleted on uninstall.


The update seems to have fixed this issue. Thanks again!

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