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We have a hybrid environment with On-Prem AD and Azure AD. We currently have our On-Prem AD registered (See screenshot). For us to take advantage of the Azure AD management feature in version 2023, do we need register Azure AD domain as well as our On-Prem AD at the same time?


by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Yes, that is correct. You need to follow the steps for registering a managed domain and select the Cloud domain option on the corresponding step of the wizard. The following articles should be helpful:



Have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AddUsersToUnmanagedList.


We have an Adaxes instance that is currently connected to our AD Domain with Microsoft 365 services included.

We have several thousand accounts excluded in our Active Directory that have been added to the unmanaged user list.

If we connect our Entra (Azure) tenant to Adaxes, will those accounts on the unmanaged list still be unmanaged?

Also, how can we exclude large groups of cloud-only accounts? The scripts appear to be geared towards the distinguished name in AD, which would not apply for cloud-only.




If we connect our Entra (Azure) tenant to Adaxes, will those accounts on the unmanaged list still be unmanaged?

Yes, sure, registering an Entra domain in Adaxes does not influence the unmanaged list.

how can we exclude large groups of cloud-only accounts?

You can use scripts from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository.htm?cat=32.

The scripts appear to be geared towards the distinguished name in AD, which would not apply for cloud-only.

That is not correct. In Adaxes, even cloud-only objects from Entra ID have distinguished names.


Thank You for your assistance.

I have already read these scripts. How would you identify the distinguished name of a cloud only object?



For information on how to get an object DN, have a look at the following article: https://adaxes.com/sdk/HowDoI.GetDnOfObject. It works the same for both Entra ID and on-premises AD objects.

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