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Hey Adaxes Team, currently we evaluate the new 2023 Adaxes Release.

As we tried the new Criteria Function for the Search feature we run into possible a bug.

There is the value Organizational Unit to choose from. As our AD Setup is pretty complex we would like to filter by OU's.

Sadly the filter Value won't get applied. As we tried to figure out what's going wrong we setup Columns in the Query Results tab to show us the OU's and Description. (I attach a Screenshot)


The description value will show correctly but Organizational Unit will stay empty.

Hopefully you can help us either by pointing us in the right direction or confirming this as bug.

Thanks for your Time! Bests, Daniel.

by (190 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Hello Daniel,

Organizational Unit in this case is a user property. It is not related to the OU where the user is actually located and can be set manually. The fact that you see it empty in the dialog just means that the property is empty. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to filter users to be displayed in a Web interface according to their location.

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