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We are finishing up the Web GUI for our Help Desk and Technicians separately and noticed with just one user right now using it, searching for users is taking about 10-20 seconds to return. We have the recommended setup for the server and wondering if it was because each session of search is recoursing all objects in AD including our terminated users OU. If this is the case can we EXCLUDE this ou from searching when using the Web GUI.

by (3.2k points)


Could you specify if you are using a Home Page Action or the Search tab when the issue occurs?

In both cases search should not last that long. For example, the delay can be caused by Security Roles. For troubleshooting purposes, could you sign on to the Web Interface as default service administrator (specified during service installation), perform the search again, and provide us with the time frame?


I was using the Search tab and noticed the slowness. When using the Home tab actions it seems fine so far. Are there settings to exclude certain OU from searching for users or computers? We would prefer to only search in the OU we need to.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


You can limit the search to a certain OU and its child objects. To do so:

  1. Activate the Search tab.
  2. Click Browse in the Search in panel and then click the OU.
  3. Enter the criteria and click Search.

Did you try running the search as default service administrator? Did the delay remain the same?


yes we did run it with the service account and the delay was the same. There aren't any settings global we can change to limit the searching? We have user accounts in 7 different OU and computers in about 5. We would be looking to checkbox what we want to search.



There aren't any settings global we can change to limit the searching?

No, there is no such possibility.

Could you specify the search criteria you use when the delay occurs?

How many domains do you have?


We are searching for one user "tutorial"

We have 4 domain controllers.



Could you post a screenshot of the search criteria you use? We need something like the following:




In your case, the search engine will check all the users in your environment. Thus the delay is reasonable. However, there might be some connectivity issues with domains. You can unregister them one by one and perform the search again. If the delay is the same, then it is caused by the quantity of users in your environment.

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