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We are encountering performance problems with Adaxes : users often report us that the web interface is slow.
I checked the server resources (CPU/RAM/HDD) and everything seems ok.
What could we check ? Is there any optimization path available ?

Thanks in advance

by (800 points)


What version of Adaxes Web Interface are you using?


Sorry, forgot to mention : 3.2.7702.0

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

We fixed Web Interface performance issues in one of the minor updates for 2011.3. Please download the latest version at http://adaxes.com/download_direct.htm and tell me whether the issue is gone.

The latest version is 3.2.7831.0.


It seems to be better even if users are still complaining. But as usal, it's always difficult to have a real feedback.




In Adaxes 2012.1 we significantly improved the performance of Adaxes Web Interface and Administration Console.

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