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We added a second domain to our Adaxes environment and we saw a huge drop in performance in the web interface. We are looking at this Web Interface Slow Performance link for now and wanted to see if there were any other suggestions.

by (3.2k points)


To help us troubleshooting the issue, could you provide us with the following details:

  1. What operations are performed slow? What about logging on to the Web Interface?
  2. Did you try to sign in with credentials of Adaxes default service administrator (the user you specified when installing Adaxes Service)? Is it also slow when performing operations as this account?
  3. Do you have at least 1 DC for each managed domain in the same AD site as Adaxes?

1. Selecting the first user yields good speeds, searching a second will cause a delay. Having more than one window is also causing a delay. Searching for a user and then unlocking account causes a delay. Logging as just turned on yesterday.
2. We have not tried yet.
3. we have 4 DC for the primary domain and 2 DC for the new domain added.



  1. We have not tried yet.

Please, do.

2 DC for the new domain added.

Are any of them located in the same AD site as Adaxes? Also, can you check whether all required ports are open for communication between Adaxes Service and the DCs? For a list of the ports, see the following FAQ article: What ports does Adaxes use?.


1. We will try this
2. Adaxes is on its own server, and the domain controllers are virtual

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