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I am currently trying to put together an entitlement review for all of our vendors or non-full time employees. I was able to spin up a scheduled task that does exactly what I want it do to except if the manager has more than 1 direct report, I would like them to be grouped in 1 email and in a table or an attached CSV file. Below is a sample of the wording that I would like to send out to the listed manager.

Please review access for the following user. If the following user no longer reports to you, please contact the Helpdesk and ask that the user be transferred to their current manager.

Username - %sAMAccountName%
First Name - %givenName%
Last Name - %sn%
Expiration Date - %accountExpires%

If user Manager1 has 3 direct reports (User1, User2, User3), I would like Manager1 to get 1 email monthly to review that the 3 direct reports are still indeed employed and on the account.


by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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You'll need to use a a script for this purpose. See the following sample in our Script Repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... t-s423.htm. It will do the job you want.

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