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How are people going about configuring employees transferring or being promoted?

Right now our HR is responsible for submitting the user creation forms, which in return kick off our user creation templates based off a drop down in the description field. This drop down in the description changes via property pattern based off which department OU they select when creating the user.

My question is, how can we best go about setting it up so HR can easily select an employee, select the new description, and have it remove all groups and add the new position groups?


by (520 points)

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by (216k points)
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You can use Business Rules for this purpose, the same as you do on account creation, but in this case the rules need to be triggered when updating a user. For a description on how to achieve what you want, see section Update Membership by Schedule, on Creation and Modification in the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... y_schedule. This is the recommended approach for your situation.

However, if you have many options for the descriptions, maybe it would be easier to use a PowerShell script instead of multiple actions/conditions as recommended in the above tutorial. For a script sample, see the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... cripts.htm. You need Example 1.

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