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What is the minimum permission required to move user accounts between OUs?

by (950 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


The user must have the following permissions:

  • delete AD objects from the source OU,
  • create new objects in the destination OU,
  • have the Write permission for the Name and CN (Full Name) properties of the source object.

In the next version the last permission will not be required if the object name is not changed during the operation.



Adaxes 2012.1 introduces two new permissions for Security Roles:

  • Move Objects from - allows users to move AD objects from a given OU.
  • Move Objects to - allows users to move AD objects to a given OU.

With the help of the new permissions, you can allow users to perform the Move operation without giving them rights to delete and create objects.


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