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we are running Adaxes in hybrid setup and on-prem as O365 is connected.

My business rules looks like this image.png

Based on articles I have read here, the local mailbox should be moved and converted into remote mailbox automatically, if a license is assigned, no?

However, the mailbox stays local only with a mailbox size of 2GB.

Onprem: image.png

Online: image.png image.png

Anything I am missing or misunderstood?

by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


You don’t need to create a mailbox in an on-premises Exchange using the Create Exchange mailbox action and you don’t need to migrate the mailbox. You just need to assign a Microsoft 365 license with access to Exchange Online. Exchange Online will provision the cloud mailbox while Adaxes will automatically enable a remote mailbox. Your business rule should look something like this: image.png


I see, and changed rule as you showed it.

Getting this warning now image.png


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