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I have multiple security groups that are linked to business units for application access (for this example lets say adobe and docusign). If a user has access to multiple applications I would like to add each application to the same CustomAttributeTextMultiValue, and then have the ability to run a query off of this field - i.e users who have access to adobe and docusign. What would be the best method to do this, if its possible? If I run a powershell script everytime a user is added to a group, add the name to the CustomAttributeTextMultiValue, does it only read the last entry, or multiple lines?


by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


Yes, it is possible. You will need to use a PowerShell script in a business rule triggering After adding or removing a member from a group. The script will add or remove the corresponding value from the multi-valued property of the member. The following script from our repository should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-remove-object-from-group-upon-adding-removing-it-from-another-group-s469.htm. To obtain the current multi-valued property values in the script, use method GetEx.

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